Income Tax Law in Israel Residents in Israel are taxed on their worldwide earnings. Non-residents are entitled to income tax on income earned in Israel and capital gains tax on capital gains on properties located in Israel (subject to special non-resident exemptions). Income tax, capital gains tax, value-added tax, and…
Read moreFAQs - Income Tax Laws and Regulations in the State of Israel Residents in Israel are taxed on their worldwide earnings. Non-residents are entitled to income tax on income earned in Israel and capital gains tax on capital gains on properties located in Israel (subject to special non-resident exemptions). Income…
Read moreFAQs – Pharmaceutical Industry Laws in Israel Introduction What are the major pharmaceutical laws and regulatory bodies in ISRAEL? Legislation The main legislation relating to pharmaceuticals in Israel is: The Pharmacists Ordinance (New Version) 1981, which governs the manufacture, selling, prescribing, importation, and registration of medicinal products, as well…
Read moreFAQs - Mining Laws in Israel Introduction In Israel, there are 85 active quarries and approximately 2000 non-active or abandoned quarries. All are open pit mines, extracting raw materials for the construction and road-building industries, as well as phosphates for the chemical and agricultural industries. Aspects of resource management and…
Read moreFAQs - Competition Law in Israel Q1. What is the outline of Israel's Competition Law? The Economic Competition Statute, 5748-1988 (the Law) is Israel's primary antitrust law, with the aim of preventing damage to competition and the general public. The law lays down the substantive principles that apply to a…
Read moreFAQs- Banking and Finance in Israel What is the Israel Banking System? Israel's financial system is sophisticated. It consists of 16 banks, four international banks with Israeli licenses, and three big and three small card firms. Bank Leumi, Bank Hapoalim, Israel Discount Bank, Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot, and First International Bank are…
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