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Read more informationBahrain Legal Update Relating to the Amending of Law Number 21 of 1989
Within Bahrain, culture is of the utmost importance; this includes the countries associations, social and cultural entities. They allow for the growth of the individuals within the country and help to strengthen its identity while surrounded by so many culturally rich nations.
As such, the regulations surrounding this matter would likewise be of the utmost importance, and the regulatory authority would ensure they keep it as up to date as possible.
The History of the Law
This new Bahrain legal update looks to amend Articles within the old Law Number 21 of 1989. This original 1989 law regards Associations, Social and Cultural Clubs, Special Committees Working in the Field of Youth and Sports and Private Institutions. The bill has received updates in the past on multiple occasions, and this is the latest of the amendments.
This regulatory amendment has aimed to alter the previous Article 43 of the law. Previously the legislation stated the following:
Article 43 – A board member shall enjoy all his civil rights. The specialized minister may add other conditions on some associations depending on the purpose of the association.
What are the changes?
This Article was already previously amended to add in that the board members shall be allowed to enjoy all of their civil and political rights. However, the latest amendment aims to change this as it states that the board members should not have any political association. The aim here is to ensure a clean and transparent system.
However, this is not the only alteration that will be occurring. The further change is that there is now a new prohibition. Membership to more than one club or sports association is no longer permitted.
These new changes will receive implementation upon their release in the official Bahrain gazette.