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UAE New Criminal Code

UAE New Criminal Code

UAE has acknowledged that a new criminal code will be set into force in January 2022, and this will be one of the most sweeping reforms in the gulf country. It has been affirmed that the government is changing 40 laws this year, out of which it has not been made clear which of the laws concerning commercial companies, online security, trade, copyright, etc., is new and which of the laws are pre-existing.

The latest change that seems new is the ratification of the Federal Crime and Punishment Law that will be effective from January 2022. It has been strategically framed to protect women, domestic staff, and the nation's public safety. All this is done because UAE wants to keep open their competitive market. After all, Saudi Arabia has opened itself for foreign investments and fresh talents. Some of the significant amendments are, decriminalizing pre-marital sexual relations, alcohol consumption, and canceling the provisions for leniency on honor killings.

When a child is conceived without marriage, then the couple will require marrying or singly or jointly acknowledging and accepting the child. They will have to provide the identification and travel documents that need to align with the law. A criminal complaint can be lodged for not recognizing a child born without marriage, and the offender can be subjected to two years of imprisonment.

Issuing visas for longer terms to attract talent and investment is one of the other changes that has taken place. The Emirate of Abu Dhabi has incorporated the idea of novel secular family law to attract expatriates.