Закон Категории дневника

Lawyers in Dubai
02 Oct 2018

Project Financing

Examining Project Financing issues and Regulations Introduction Driving through Dubai one is inundated with the view of cranes and construction sites, however, if a closer look is taken it becomes increasingly more evident that many, if not most of these sites are inactive and the buildings are left skeletons of…

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Lawyers in Dubai
09 Sep 2018

Руководство по Патентам на Ближнем Востоке

Руководство по Патентам на Ближнем Востоке «Патентное ведомство находится в прямом родстве с изобретениями.» Введение Старший преподаватель Массачусетского технологического института Джо Хадзима определяет патент следующим образом: «Патент является исключительным правом, выданным страной изобретателю, позволяющим ему исключать других из производства, использования или продажи своего изобретения в данной стране в течение срока…

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Law Firms in Dubai
14 Jun 2018

Agency Laws in the GCC Countries

AGENCY LAWS IN THE GCC COUNTRIES Introduction The extension of the multinational partnership is either setting up its subsidiary in remote purview or to tie up with the local organization in a foreign jurisdiction. United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the distant locals where international organizations are going into…

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Shipping Lawyers in Dubai
27 Mar 2018

Логистическая Зона Бахрейна

Сердце Залива  - Бахрейн «Стартап – это компания, которая не знает, что она продает, кто ее клиенты и как зарабатывать деньги». Центральное расположение в регионе Персидского Залива, стабильный экономический климат, атмосфера, благоприятная для бизнеса, современные технологии и исключительные возможности для бизнеса – достаточные аргументы для убеждения инвестора вложиться в стартап. Бахрейн…

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15 Feb 2018

The UN Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods

An Overview of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods If a company in the United Arab Emirates wanted to buy authentic leather abroad, most likely they would start looking for sellers in Italy. Considering that they find such an Italian company, the first step in…

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Oil and Gas laws in Bahrain
04 Jan 2018

Руководство по нефти и газу: Бахрейн

Oil and Gas Country Guide: Bahrain 1. What department/agency regulates oil and gas extraction? What are the primary laws which apply? Several government agencies regulate the oil and gas sector in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The National Oil & Gas Authority (the NOGA) regulates and develops Bahrain’s hydrocarbons sector. NOGA also…

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Criminal Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
07 Dec 2017

UAE Criminal Law and Contradictory Statements

Contradictory Statements In a bundle of truths, a lie will always be found within. Pinocchio told lies, and his nose grew. Unfortunately, liars in the courtroom may only be caught out by the inconsistent statements they make throughout a case. The challenge is for the jury and prosecution to find…

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Law Firms in Dubai
19 Oct 2017

Скорейшее уголовное правосудие в Дубае

Speedy Criminal Justice in Dubai William E. Gladstone once said in a public gathering that ‘justice delayed is justice denied.' But neither the person nor the concept was new to the anxious crowd. Regarding the person, Mr. Gladstone has served as the Prime Minister of United Kingdom more times than…

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27 Sep 2017

Mr. DEBT’s hello to Mr. DAMAGE: Case Analysis on Freight Industry

Mr. DEBT’s hello to Mr. DAMAGE: Case Analysis on Freight Industry Suppose an individual has borrowed a specific sum of money against an asset of a reciprocal value as security. However, the debtor fails to fulfill his obligation; and subsequently, the creditor exercises his lien and disposes of the former’s…

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Lawyers in Bahrain
17 Sep 2017

Tackling Post Dated Cheques in Bahrain

Tackling Post-dated Cheques in Bahrain Can an instrument of payment be offered that ensures complete safety? The reality of the latter statement is an unlikely one. The law, however, does attempt to provide security where a payment transaction fails to do so. The nooks and crevices of such law must…

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Юридические фирмы в Дубае
16 Sep 2017

Дипломатия и Международный Суд ООН: Анализ

Дипломатия и Международный Суд ООН: Анализ (Часть I из II) «Мир стоит дорого. И его цена – дипломатия. Мы все можем догадываться, кто платит эту цену, но иногда не можем  себе представить ее размер.» Отдел международных отношений, юридическая компания STA. Древнейшее свидетельство дипломатических отношений относится к 1259 году до нашей…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
24 Aug 2017

Посадка завершена: исламский рендеринг (часть 1 из 2)

Boarding Complete: An Islamic Rendering Part I of II Islamic Principles not only lay guidance on the relationship between man and God but also provide directives on a system of transactions for dealings between man and man to lead a life in an Islamic way. Such Islamic jurisprudence referred to…

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19 Jul 2017

Too Much of FATCA

Too Much of FATCA! Renowned author and entrepreneur, Mark Twain, once said, ‘tax is a fine for doing well; whereas, a fine is a tax for doing wrong.' Now, the question on hand is which one of the two the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (the FATCA) would get unseated!…

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14 Jul 2017

Palpable Payments

Palpable Payments ‘Oh, no. It costs a lot more than your (own) life. To murder innocent people?’ -Suzanne Collins This article was authored by Reem Ali, Abdel Ghany and George SK Although globalization is advancing at the seams of the 21st century, it remains unclear as to when will the…

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