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Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (the MHRE) issued Ministerial Resolution Number 787 of 2017 concerning Teleworking (the Resolution).Teleworking, also known as telecommuting, means working from a place outside the traditional office with the help of modern technology to keep in touch with your business. Jobs can be relocated using this system to areas where it is more attractive and convenient or cheaper to live for the employees.
The UAE has understood the importance ofattracting and retaining talented employees. And soin an effort to develop a better work-life environment for UAE nationals and the necessitate to increase the employment of UAE nationals in private sector, the human resource ministry issued the concerned Resolution.
Objective of the Law
To create and provide:
The insight of the Law:
The Ministerial Resolution has laid down the definitions related to teleworking for interpretation of the provisions concerning teleworking, as follows:
Teleworking: A work system in which the worker works outside the site designated for the establishment, whether working part-time, weekly, monthly or full-time.
Teleworking System or Method: A system or method approved by the Ministry of Human Resources to regulate the legal and administrative aspects of teleworking,
Teleworking Agreement:An agreement between the employer and the worker whereby theResolution enlists the rights and duties of the workers.The contract should include: the number of necessary and flexible working hours, agreed workplaces, wages, allowances, and leaves, As well asany other rights provided for by the Federal Labor Law of UAE.
Types of Teleworking
The Ministerial Decision identified the forms of teleworking So that it takes one of the following ways:
Application for Teleworking
Responsibilities of the Employer:
The ministerial resolutions statesResponsibilities of the employer who applies the telework systemas follows:
Responsibilities of the Employee:
The ministerial resolution also states the Responsibilities of the employee as follows:
Teleworking sites
The employer can choose the most suitable workplace agreeable post checking the security and safety requirements.The employer also has the option of other locations including customer offices or home offices post agreement with the customers. The Ministry of Human Resources will also provide a set of equipped offices for that purpose.
The application of the teleworking resolution will be for one year from the date of issuance of the decision. The Ministry will collect a report every three months of the teleworking system, which will include the opinions of the employer who applied the teleworking policy and the views of the employee who worked with this system.