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Lawyers in Dubai
04 Dec 2018

good samaritan law

Good Samaritan Law Introduction What does it mean and imply when one is called a Good Samaritan? The term is regularly used in the news and by people when relating to stories of do-gooders in action. The name originates from a biblical story in which an individual helped another in…

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Healthcare lawyers in UAE
05 Nov 2018

Врачебная халатность в странах залива.

Врачебная халатность в странах залива.  Виллес Дж.: «Халатность - это негативное слово. Это отсутствие заботы, умения и усердия, поскольку привлечение к выполнению работы всегда считалось обязанностью человека.»   Вступление. Работа в медицине является одной из самых престижных и уважаемых профессий. Отношения между пациентом и врачом основаны на доверии и вере. Джордж Бернард Шоу сказал: «Мы не…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
03 Nov 2018

Self Defence-Criminal Action

Self Defence or Criminal Action - Where Does the Line Lie? Introduction The topic of self-defence is one which can be quite complicated. One of the most basic and critical drivers of a human is that of self-preservation and protection. At the most personal level, this would mean the protection…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Oct 2018

territorial applicability

The territorial applicability of criminal law in the UAE Introduction In may sound odd, but there is a difference between international criminal law and criminal international law. What’s more is that the differentiation between these two seemingly similar sounding things is of essential importance. The international criminal law is a…

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Lawyers in Dubai
02 Oct 2018

Criminal Accountability

Criminal Accountability – Intention VS. Negligence in Criminal Law Introduction “Mens Rea” or criminal intent refers to an individual’s state of mind at the time he committed a crime. People who have criminal intent are fully aware of the act or omission they are about to commit and they are…

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Law Firms in Dubai
03 Sep 2018

Civil and Criminal Effects of Non-Competition Condition in UAE Labor Law

Civil and Criminal Effects of Non-Competition Condition in UAE Labor Law Introduction The Federal Law Number 8 of 1980 regarding UAE Labor law (the Labor Law) contains a provision under Article 127 which allows the employer to require the worker not to compete or to participate in a competing project…

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Lawyers in Dubai
15 Aug 2018

Reliance on Oral Promises and the concept Statute of Frauds and Promissory Estoppel

Reliance on Oral Promises and the concept Statute of Frauds and Promissory Estoppel Reliance on oral promises is a significant aspect of real-world litigation. In what follows is a hypothetical example of the application of dependence on verbal agreements; A woman moved from London to Dubai to work for a…

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21 May 2018

Drugs - A Social Menace 2018-2019

Illegal drugs are a popular craze among the youth today. This may sound odd, seeing as the drugs are ‘illegal’ and yet the practice is so prevalent. Trying to picture a party today, and what would instantly come to mind would be the loud tunes of Tomorrowland, Ultra Music Festival…

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Lawyers in Dubai
09 May 2018

Admissibility of electronic evidence in the UAE and KSA (Part 1 of 2)

Admissibility of electronic evidence in the UAE and KSA (Part 1 of 2) Technology has changed the world in its totality in such a short time. It has indeed become an integral part of the everyday lives of so many. Today we see it incorporated into nearly everything we do.…

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Maritime Law of UAE
17 Apr 2018

Final Law of Sea V.1

LAW OF SEA  “It was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top.” -Hunter S. Thompson As in the movie Life of Pi, where the adventures of the sea help the…

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Anti-Money Laundering Law UAE
17 Apr 2018

Anti-Money Laundering V.1

A Combat Against Dirty Money Shorter distances, instant transfers, rapid connections are a movement towards the emerging globalization. As it is getting easier and faster to gain anything on a click of a mouse and enabling individuals and corporations to reach around the world farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper than…

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Lawyers in Dubai
17 Apr 2018

Territorial Jurisdiction Part-1

  THE REACH OF TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION PART I Introduction The UAE follows Civil Law in their legal system and the primary laws governing the jurisdiction of courts is regulated by Federal Law Number 11 of 1992 the Civil Procedural Law (the Civil Procedures Law) and Federal Law Number 35 of…

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Lawyers in Dubai
17 Apr 2018

Acquisitive Limitation Period

Acquisitive Limitation Period Introduction "The right is not going to be lost if someone behind is demanding it” which means that one will not lose his right as long as there is a request. Hence, the legislators derived the Statute of Limitation, which says that the parties must adhere to…

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Defamation lawyers in UAE
16 Apr 2018

Defamation V.1

ARE YOU OFFENDED OR IS IT FREEDOM OF SPEECH? “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” ―John Milton, Areopagitica We are always encouraged to voice our thoughts and to use the liberty of freedom of speech. However, can we…

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