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Singapore International Arbitration Centre Singapore has been growing in popularity for international arbitration with the support of the government’s policy to facilitate the best arbitration Centre in the region. The tremendous growth of the Chinese and Indian economy in the last few decades drives Asian markets to the next level.…
Read moreGerman Arbitration Institution Rules 2018 March 1, 2018 the German Institution for Arbitration (DIS) enacted a new set of arbitration rules to revise and replace Germany’s 1998 regulations. The predominant changes (made by a panel of 300 DIS members) resulted in an enhancement in procedural efficiency. Under the 2018 Rules,…
Read moreCommercial Mediation in the UAE and the Laws Concerning Mediation “Mediation is one of the most effective tools of non-violence. It can turn parties away from conflict, towards compromise” - Miroslav Lajčák Meaning Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution system (ADR) wherein the matter at issue is solved…
Read moreComparative Analysis of ADR Methods with focus on their Advantages and Disadvantages “The courts of this country should not be the places where the resolution of disputes begins. They should be the places where the disputes end after alternative methods of resolving disputes have been considered and tried.” -Sandra Day…
Read moreDispute Resolution Procedure in UAE – B2B Procedure Introduction The United Arab Emirates has overcome many years of strong monetary development and has risen as a major territorial business center, attracting vast and various cross-border exchanges; this has led financial specialists and parties into contracts in the UAE while choosing…
Read moreСрочные меры и ускоренные разбирательства в арбитражном суде. Вступление. На выполнение трудных задач практически всегда не хватает времени. Особенно,когда сроки уже подходят к концу, а цели еще не достигнуты – это еще больше разочаровывает. Такие же ситуации встречаются в моменты судебных разбирательств. Дела, представленные в суд, часто бывают сложными, поскольку…
Read moreMEDIATION AND CONCILIATION IN UAE “There are two sides to Every Story.” Mediate over Litigate Mediation is a non-judicial means of dispute resolution mechanism, and it has become very prevalent because of the disadvantages or limitations faced in litigation. Mediation or conciliation has been for centuries in UAE as…
Read moreCryprocurrency– A Magical Bubble or The Future of Currency? The noise and media surrounding the notion of cryptocurrency have been increasing the curiosity rapidly. Before curiosity kills the cat, let's walk through the story of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is an innovative and a virtual currency that utilizes cryptography for security…
Read moreLaw of Sports - Dispute Resolution The legal community argues on pros and cons of arbitration. That said, we cannot undermine its benefits. It has become an accessible medium for resolving disputes in the sports sector. One can corroborate it by the fact that a specialized quasi-judicial body known as…
Read moreAGENCY LAWS IN THE GCC COUNTRIES Introduction The extension of the multinational partnership is either setting up its subsidiary in remote purview or to tie up with the local organization in a foreign jurisdiction. United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the distant locals where international organizations are going into…
Read moreАйфон: Юридические вопросы новой функциональности компании Apple по распознаванию лиц – Часть 1 Махатма Ганди когда-то сказал, что принцип око за око может только сделать весь мир слепым. Говоря о зрении, вспоминается мысль, что не каждый закрытый глаз спит, и не каждый открытый глаз видит. От очков до контактных линз…
Read moreDO LORD WOOLF’S REFORMS NEED REFORMING? Part 1: The Lord Woolf Reform and the Current UK Civil Justice System Law may seem an unchanging presence that looms over all. It indeed dictates our everyday lives. Every action that an individual performs must take into account what the law may say…
Read moreCRIMINAL LIABILITY OF ARBITRATORS IN UAE Are arbitrators above the law? Have you thought about arbitrators and the importance of their role in international arbitration tribunals? Well, arbitrators are the most crucial element of the modern alternative dispute resolution system. Their position is similar to that of judges who have…
Read moreРешение Арбитражного Суда VS Политика Государства «Общественный порядок - хрупкая вещь, и если вы не исправите первое разбитое окно, скоро все окна будут разбиты» - Джеймс О Вильсон Многие из нас вздрагивают при мысли о судебных разбирательствах, учитывая их дорогостоящий и продолжительный характер. Но, к счастью, для нас существуют…
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