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Решение Арбитражного Суда VS Политика Государства «Общественный порядок - хрупкая вещь, и если вы не исправите первое разбитое окно, скоро все окна будут разбиты» - Джеймс О Вильсон Многие из нас вздрагивают при мысли о судебных разбирательствах, учитывая их дорогостоящий и продолжительный характер. Но, к счастью, для нас существуют…
Read moreAviation Law Guide: United Arab Emirates Part 1 - General 1.1 Please list and briefly describe the principal legislation and regulatory bodies which apply to and/ or regulate aviation in your jurisdiction. The UAE’s principal legislation governing aviation law is as follows: Federal Law Number 20 of 1991 regarding the civil…
Read moreBoarding Complete: An Islamic Rendering Part I of II Islamic Principles not only lay guidance on the relationship between man and God but also provide directives on a system of transactions for dealings between man and man to lead a life in an Islamic way. Such Islamic jurisprudence referred to…
Read moreMaritime Arbitration- Legal Perspectives Courts can no longer individually address the issue of conflict resolution and as such the modern business world requires an alternative means of conflict resolution to meet its demands. A need arises for a legal mechanism through which parties can resolve their disputes quickly, fairly, efficiently,…
Read moreWho’s Winning and Who’s Whining Under Saudi Arabia’s New Enforcement Law Preface "The Prophet Muhammad (resorted to) arbitration to resolve disputes and (recommended) others to use it. His (involvement in) arbitration between the clans of the Quraysh tribe during the renovation of the Ka'ba is significant in the history of…
Read moreВлияние Выхода Великобритании из Евросоюза на Международный Арбитраж «Когда жизнь приподносит вам апельсин, сделайте апельсиновый сок»'1 Может ли жизнь всегда давать апельсины, спросите вы? Для некоторых, апельсины кислые, но a для других утро без апельсинового сока, как день без солнечного света. Они наполнены витамином С и ... но подождите; это…
Read moreDelay Penalty in Construction Contracts “No construction project is risk-free. Risk can be managed, minimized, shared, transferred or accepted. It cannot be ignored” -Michael Latham Scope and usage of back-to-back contracts Back-to-back contracts are becoming an increasingly common feature of construction projects. Construction projects typically involve the collaboration of three…
Read moreDifferent Strokes for Different Courts In January of 2012, Macy’s, a renowned retail store, decided to sue Martha Stewart for entering into a contract with a rival retail store J.C. Penney, which they claimed breached their own contract with Martha Stewart for exclusive products in 2006. This led to a…
Read moreBe Aware, else Beware (Part I of II) ‘Ignorance of the law excuses no man; not that all men know the law, but because it’s an excuse every man will plead, and no man can tell how to refute him’ - John Seldon The law has provided that an ignorance…
Read moreМеждународный Арбитражный Суд МТП Вступление: Международная торговая палата (МТП) играет важную роль на международном уровне, продвигая инвестиции и торговлю товарами и услугами. Это не просто частная организация, хотя она была создана группой предпринимателей как группа промышленников, финансистов и торговцев, которые были полны решимости привнести экономическое процветание в мир, который еще…
Read more‘‘ It is of fundamental importance that justice not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done’’. Lord Hewart CJ The above statement as used almost eighty five years ago in the case R v Sussex1 and it is often remains a standard…
Read moreThe construction contracts are generally prepared as per Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (the FIDIC) red books 1987 and 1999, yellow book and silver book contract forms specifically in UAE to deliver projects. The legal provisions applying to such contracts are UAE Civil Code, Federal Law No. 5 of 1985 as…
Read moreEvolution has created several ways of defying the unsettling consequences of disputes. In the animal kingdom, where survival is dependent on mutual respect, harmony and assistance, there is a need to maintain beneficial relationships. For example, chimps kiss and embrace after fights. As we have evolved, so have our dispute…
Read moreConstruction Insight: The sight of a rainbow in the middle of a desert is a rather recherché glimpse. United Arab Emirates however, is not a conventional desert panorama come true. Take for example the construction industry in the region. There is an interesting mix of cultures and…
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