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Electronic Registration of Cases- Advantages and Legal Problems “The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.” -Bill Gates Introduction Dubai has evolved to become the marketing and commercial hub of the Middle Eastern region. A surfeit of investors, traders and tourists flock into the Emirate on a…
Read moreMargarida Narciso discusses the legal implications of violating private or family life of individuals under the UAE Law. Advancement in field of technology, social media and phone apps may lead younger generation to eavesdrop, resort to clicking images or videos and post them on social media. This however may affect…
Read moreLord Krishna was asked by one of his disciples what was the most astounding thing in the Universe. His answer was that a man wakes up each morning and believes that he will live forever despite knowing that he will not. Death is a morbid subject and that is probably…
Read moreFor a variety of reasons, it is highly likely that most people’s instincts would incite them to answer “no”! However if we peruse UAE legal texts we will find that actually, in most cases, the answer will be “yes”! Litigation is one of the basic rights guaranteed by…
Read moreIn the present day and age we can all agree that there is no such thing as a typical family tableaux. Although time, culture and location have always flavoured the “traditional” concept, nowadays we can no longer use such factors to predict the identity of the protagonists sat around the…
Read more“And the question is always "When are you going to have kids?" Rather than "Do you want to have kids?” The World Health Organization (WHO) defines infertility as the inability to conceive a child. It should not come as a surprise that owing to lifestyle changes, food habits and the…
Read moreТам, где есть воля, там есть путь: Часто задаваемые вопросы о законе наследования - Дубай и ОАЭ. “Мы не должны забывать, что для наших потомков в их время будет также важно быть успешными, как и для нас в наше время.” Теодор Рузвельт Исламские законы наследования, которые здесь уже обсуждались,…
Read moreWhere There’s A Will, There’s A Way: “We should not forget that it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosper- ous in their time as it is to us to be prosperous in our time.” …
Read moreПринятие уголовных законов требует первоначального определения следующих пунктов: (1) те социальные и индивидуальные интересы, которые будут защищать эти законы и (2) виды поведения, которые должны быть запрещены [i]. При определении, следует ли применить уголовное наказание для обвиняемого, суд должен принять во внимание несколько факторов, включая намерения обвиняемого, наличие преступного умысла,…
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