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Amendment of Income Tax Act– Singapore What is the Tax System in Singapore? The tax revenue collection in Singapore includes corporate tax, personal tax, Goods & Services tax, and property tax. The tax system in Singapore is one which many countries thrive on echoing as it is known for being…
Read moreAn overview of the applicability of VAT legislation Value Added Tax (VAT) was introduced in the United Arab Emirates upon the issuance of Federal Decree Law Number 8 of 2017 and was implemented just as the year 2018 was heralded. Value Added Tax is the tax on the consumption or…
Read moreValue Added Tax Penalties in the United Arab Emirates Abstract: Value Added Tax (VAT) is an indirect tax levied on consumption or the use of goods and services at each stage in the chain of its production and distribution; from raw material to its final sale based on the price…
Read moreBollywood Deals: Music Meets Dance Who isn’t a fan of Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge? The lens takes us to the romance set in the mountains of Switzerland to a typical wedding household in India with dance, music, drama, and emotion. Bollywood is one of the most prolific centers of film…
Read moreGuide on Tax Regulation in the GCC Introduction: Gulf co-operation council is the abbreviated form of GCC. It came into force in 1981. It is the union of all Arab state except Iraq and UAE is one of its member states. Saudi Arabia has head first a proposal to make…
Read moreNon-Resident Capital Gains Tax on United Kingdom Real Estate: A New Regime Introduction The legislation encompassing the new regime for taxing non-residents’ gains on the United Kingdom (UK) commercial real estate came into effect on 6th April 2019. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has additionally published draft guidance on…
Read moreBEPS (OECD?) - Massive Changes to Taxation of International Business Introduction The BEPS plan was launched during the 2008 financial catastrophe. The notion behind this launch was threefold (i) Firstly, to revise the international tax structure; (ii) Secondly, to align the framework with the enlargements of the global economy; and…
Read moreNon-Resident Capital Gains Tax on United Kingdom Real Estate: A New Regime Introduction The legislation encompassing the new regime for taxing non-residents’ gains on the United Kingdom (the UK) commercial real estate came into effect on 6th April 2019. Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (the HMRC) has additionally published…
Read moreТаможенная пошлина в Индии, часть I. Каждый из нас в детстве читал в сказках или видел в фильмах, как много веков назад, прежде чем войти в королевство и заняться прожадей своих товаров, торговец сперва благодарил короля каким-нибудь подарком. Со временем эта традиция получила название таможенной пошлины на товары, вывозимые из страны…
Read moreBASE EROSION AND PROFIT SHARING (BEPS)- TAX EVASION OF MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS OLD WINE IN A NEW BOTTLE Before 1961, there was a minimal focus on national tax laws upon the multinational corporation’s tax and digital economy because during that time no country taxed the foreign source. During that time the…
Read moreGST IS HERE! GST (the Goods and Services Tax) is finally here just like winter in Game of Thrones. The much-awaited indirect-tax regime was honored with the throne…
Read moreThe Fine (and Hazy) Line between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion ‘The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall.’ …
Read moreLEGAL UPDATE: UAE CABINET DECISION 52 OF 2017 CONCERNING EXECUTIVE REGULATIONS ON VAT LAW The UAE Cabinet Decision 52 of 2017 on the executive regulations (the Executive Regulations) of the Federal Decree Law Number 8 of 2017 on Value Added Tax (the VAT Law) has shed light on the details…
Read moreBoarding Complete: An Islamic Rendering Part II of IIIn our previous issue, we discussed the Shariah principles of ijara, simple ijara, ijara wa iqtina, ijara mawsufa fi al dimmah, istisna’a, and how ijara and mawsufa fi al dimmah work. Our attorney’s had detailed the different types of leasing provided by…
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