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Exclusion Clauses in the UAE The Importance of Contracts and Exclusion Clauses Contracts are vital documents at all levels of society. Whether in business or everyday life, contracts are formed all the time from the simplest dealings between individuals to the most complex business deals. There may be occasions…
Read moreОбеспечение Ипотечных Заемов в Абу Даби Ипотека – Основы Ипотека – это вид банковских кредитов, предназначенных для тех, кто хочет приобрести недвижимость. Покупка недвижимости – очень важная часть современной жизни, причем все потенциально находятся под одним зонтом – от самых известных компаний, покупающих недвижимость под новые проекты, до обычных покупателей…
Read moreГорная Промышленность Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов Горная промышленность на протяжении веков была движущей силой экономики. Будь то добыча полезных ископаемых, металлов или драгоценных камней, каждый вид горнодобывающей промышленности играет решающую роль в экономической деятельности многих государств во всем мире. Этот принцип ничем не отличается и в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах, и хотя…
Read moreContract law and the position of third parties Contractual relations are relations we enter into every day of our lives, whether express or implied, whether formally or informally. When people go to the grocery store, at the check-out counter, they enter into a contractual relationship with the store. They accept…
Read moreSECURITIZATION: AN OVERVIEW Introduction Securitization is a powerful financial tool that renders possible the profitability of illiquid assets. We all agree that securitization contributed to the 2008 Financial Crisis, demonstrating how this powerful businessinstrument is a double-edged sword: it is capable of both boosting and devastating an economy. The United…
Read moreADGM Civil Court Proceedings Abu Dhabi Global Markets (ADGM) located in the capital of UAE in the city center of Abu Dhabi is an international financial center for local, regional and international organizations. ADGM is a channel that connects UAE with the world with its essential hub for global commerce.…
Read morePreventive Principle and Extension of Time Time and again we have discussed the level of dynamicity in the sectors and industries such as construction, maritime, cryptocurrency and the like. Today, we are going to analyze why these areas in specific are comparatively more dynamic than others – mainly because projects…
Read morePharmaceutical Industry in the UAE 1. What are the primary laws and regulations governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates? The primary piece of legislation governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates is Federal Law Number 4 of 1983 concerning the Pharmaceutical Profession and Pharmaceutical Institutions (the Pharmaceutical…
Read moreLiability of Franchisors You cannot bring the Canadian winters to the UAE, but you can enjoy the warm coffee of Tim Hortons in the UAE. UAE has the answer to most of your cravings from back home, whether you are missing the butter chicken or chicken and waffle. This…
Read moreРешение Арбитражного Суда VS Политика Государства «Общественный порядок - хрупкая вещь, и если вы не исправите первое разбитое окно, скоро все окна будут разбиты» - Джеймс О Вильсон Многие из нас вздрагивают при мысли о судебных разбирательствах, учитывая их дорогостоящий и продолжительный характер. Но, к счастью, для нас существуют…
Read moreAviation Law Guide: United Arab Emirates Part 1 - General 1.1 Please list and briefly describe the principal legislation and regulatory bodies which apply to and/ or regulate aviation in your jurisdiction. The UAE’s principal legislation governing aviation law is as follows: Federal Law Number 20 of 1991 regarding the civil…
Read moreGUIDE TO OFF-PLAN PROPERTY LAWS IN ABU DHABI Previously, laws concerning off-plan property sales in Abu Dhabi was a legal blind-spot that caused ambiguity and failure in securing the interests of the investors. However, the establishment of Law Number 3 of 2015 on the Regulation of Real Estate Sector in…
Read moreFIDIC AND ENAA: COMPARISON Part II of II In our previous issue, we discussed FIDIC and ENAA forms which are an internationally recognized and utilized form of contracts and the general comparisons between them. Our attorneys had also detailed the requirements of data accuracy, and other conditions of companies. Although,…
Read moreCourt-Side Justice ‘You don’t go on bended-knee to petition the official culture for your rights. You have to take them.’ -Terrance McKenna Countries are not sustained, and their peoples are not stable where a superior judicial system is not in place. Achieving a system of justice is not possible unless…
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