Regulation Governing Cartels in India: An Analysis In August 2016, the Competition Commission of India (CCI) levied an immense penalty it has levied to date – a whopping 63.2 billion rupees- in the infamous Cement Cartel case. The origin of the Cement Cartel case was a complaint filed by the…
Read moreAn Analysis of Design Rights in India Have you ever crossed a person who doesn't love owning branded phones, shoes, cars, or jewellery? I don't think so. But for a fact, we can say that many people buy products that are copies of various original brands. Why? Because in today's…
Read moreVideo Game Censorship: Indian Purview With millennium progressing into the second decade, the governments in all the countries have brought Interactive Video Game Industry under its radar to restrict the increasingly graphic violence in the computer or digital games which intends to excite and interest the gamers. The chant of…
Read moreGrounds for Rejection of the Plaint: The Indian Civil Procedure Code The plaint is petitioned for instituting a suit in the civil or commercial courts. A court of civil jurisdiction will be administered by the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 (CPC). Order VII of CPC is visualized with the provisions…
Read moreA Guide to Foreign Direct Investment in India Imagine that you are a child in India during the 1980s. Your uncle, who resides abroad in Switzerland, has come for his vacation and gifts you a goody bag filled with exquisite chocolates such as Lindt, Milka and Toblerone, all of which…
Read moreReciprocating Territory and Superior Court in the Indian Civil Procedurs Code The Ministry of Law and Justice of India has passed a notification on 17 January 2020 in the official Gazette of India declaring United Arab Emirates to be a reciprocating territory in respect with Explanation 1 to Section 44A of…
Read moreThe Enforceability of Smart Contracts in India Introduction In 1994, Nick Szabo, a legal scholar and cryptographer found that decentralized nature of cryptography could be used in smart contracts, which are basically self-executing contracts and ensure the performance of virtual agreements through blockchain technology to provide a hassle-free contract execution.…
Read moreDishonour of cheques in India as per Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 Introduction The whole concept of using cheques, even at this day and age where other progressive modes of transactions are available, is to keep proper record and use it as proof of payment. There are more security and surety…
Read moreBollywood Deals: Music Meets Dance Who isn’t a fan of Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge? The lens takes us to the romance set in the mountains of Switzerland to a typical wedding household in India with dance, music, drama, and emotion. Bollywood is one of the most prolific centers of film…
Read moreThe Indian Copyright Law Structure (IPR) “The right to be attributed as an author of a work is not merely a copyright, it is every author’s basic human right” ― Kalyan C. Kankanala The copyright law in India is in equal parity with the standards set by the agreement on Trade-Related…
Read moreCensorship of Films in India I. Introduction Censorship is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the ‘prohibition or suppression of any part of the news, books, films, etc. that are considered politically unacceptable, obscene, or a threat to security.’ Films are considered an excellent medium of communication with the general…
Read moreShip Arrests and Indian Maritime Law “The safety of the people shall be the highest law” - Marcus Tullius Cicero India has a long-standing history in dealing with the sea and has had a distinguished tradition for several years with trade and commerce, both within the region and beyond its…
Read moreA Global Purview of Counter-Terrorism Efforts With nearly 41% of all terrorist attacks resulting in casualty, and a dramatic increase in public targeted incidents, governing bodies representing both domestic and international interests alike have invested countless resources into better understanding why terrorism occurs, and how legislatively, it can be stopped.…
Read moreTo Lease or to License… In the United Arab Emirates, there are stringent requirements for leasing… if only there was another way. There are two concepts which many jurisdictions recognize, a lease and a license. One of these concepts is formal in nature, while the other offers flexibility and an…
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