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Looking to Register your Trademark in UAE in 2019? These 5 Steps will Help You do the Same!

Published on : 05 Aug 2019

stalawfirmOne of the most indispensable things you need to pay heed to before establishing your company in UAE, or anywhere for that matter, is to be well-apprised of the competitors and the business environment. However, possibilities are that you might find businesses similar to yours that provide same kinds of goods and services. But you can easily differentiate your brand with a logo of your choice to make your business easily recognizable. And this is why; you need to protect your brand so that no one else gets their hands on it without your express consent. Hence, the need of a trademark in UAE has increased over the years.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a symbol, a word or a group of words that depict and represent a company or a product. Since registration for trademark in Dubai, Abu Dhabi or anywhere in the UAE is a complete legal procedure, it would be better to hire a lawyer in Dubai to help you sail through the intricate legal procedures. No other business or organization can copy your trademark or use it for their own purpose without any explicit permission.

Registering your trademark in Abu Dhabi might take a bit of time but it is really important to shield your company or business from impersonators. Well, let us walk you through the steps involved in registering your trademark in UAE:


  • Look into the Current Trademarks


Before registering a trademark in UAE, your first step is to search whether the trademark you want is already taken or not. And this can be easily done by performing an online search. If the trademark you choose is used by a different business entity, that particular trademark cannot be used by you. Once you choose your unique trademark, comes the procedure of registering a trademark that becomes even easier when hiring lawyers in Dubai.


  • Fill the Application Form


The application to register a trademark in Dubai needs to be downloaded and then filled in accordingly. You can download the form online and you would have to present the following documents when filling up the registration form:

  1. Power of Attorney
  2. Trading License
  3. Contact details of Applicant
  4. A sample of trademark design
  5. ID or Passport of the person signing the application form
  6. List of goods and services to be protected


  • Make the Payment


After collecting all the necessary documents, you will be required to pay a particular trademark registration fee. You can make this payment online in the e-services portal of the Ministry of Economy. However, it also involved some additional legal costs or an added translation fee.


  • Assessment by the Ministry


Once the payment is done, the MOE will assess your trademark application. Any mistake like an unfilled query or any incorrect answer can end up in the rejection of your trademark in UAE.


  • The Final Registration


If there is no doubt or complaint against your trademark in UAE in a specified time, the Ministry of Economy would hand over a certificate of your trademark registration. This would involves the registration number, date of application, name of the business, name of the owner, your trademark and the description of your goods and services that are classified under your business name.

The above 5 steps can help you get your trademark in Dubai registered. And once your trademark is registered, it would then be legally valid for around a period of ten years which can be further renewed after making a specific payment.