Having discussed Arbitration in the UAE in Court Uncourt Volume I, we shall now turn to Arbitration procedures in other GCC countries. Nonchalant observation of creatures such as birds, cats, dogs, and primates distinctly characterizes the fact that dispute and dispute resolution are not concepts confined to the human…
Read moreFor a variety of reasons, it is highly likely that most people’s instincts would incite them to answer “no”! However, if we peruse UAE legal texts we will find that actually, in most cases, the answer will be “yes”! Litigation is one of the basic rights guaranteed by most world…
Read moreArbitration in the UAE Any discussion on recent developments in the field of civil litigation must address the virtual revolution that has taken place with regards to alternative dispute resolution. Needless to say that the legal system has witnessed a steady growth in litigants’ recourse to Alternative dispute resolution (the…
Read moreThroughout the series of Volume I, I have attempted to discuss arbitration at length. The first article gave a broad understanding of arbitration under UAE’s legal system and the second article explored technical issues relating to nullification of arbitration award and grounds available to challenge the same. In the third…
Read moreQuestions that are generally debated these days within business and legal diasporas pertain to the recession aftermath. These questions seek to inquire matters such as i) what led to the recession, ii) could it have been prevented and; iii) what do we learn from this precedent? For instance, let us…
Read moreArbitration in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) In our previous newsletter issue, we addressed the legal aspects of arbitration under the UAE Civil Code and further understanding legislature’s intention in developing arbitration as alternative means of resolving disputes. The article clarified that parties choosing to opt for arbitration…
Read moreThe Role of National Judiciary In Arbitrator's Award - United Arab Emirates The UAE legislator identified Arbitration as a way to settle disagreements between the disputing parties, under the Federal Civil & Commercial Transactions Procedures Laws, Articles 203 to 218. The Law did not stipulate any certain conditions precedent on…
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