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The construction contracts are generally prepared as per Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils (the FIDIC) red books 1987 and 1999, yellow book and silver book contract forms specifically in UAE to deliver projects. The legal provisions applying to such contracts are UAE Civil Code, Federal Law No. 5 of 1985 as…
Read moreJoint venture is an agreement between two or more parties wherein they principally agree on developing a new asset or entity by infusing equity for a term. In a joint venture transaction, parties agree to co-operate with each other and term of joint venture may be defined or open. Parties…
Read moreIntroduction With the spread of globalization, technical and technological evolution, changes in communication means and transportations, economic freedom and free trade around the world have reinforced the idea that businesses and/or commercial dealings need protection. Hence, as there is an international cooperation among countries to follow an international criminal worldwide,…
Read moreConstruction Insight: The sight of a rainbow in the middle of a desert is a rather recherché glimpse. United Arab Emirates however, is not a conventional desert panorama come true. Take for example the construction industry in the region. There is an interesting mix of cultures and…
Read moreIf I purchase an apartment in a communal building, what exactly do I own? Am I entitled to a section of the pool, a corner of the gym and rights over a particular elevator? Or do I only have rights over anything within the boundaries of my specific plot? Read…
Read moreTo change or not to change? “Dubai rents have started to fall for the first time in three years” As I turned on the radio and drove to the office this morning the first news item I heard was about the 1% dip in rentals in Dubai this quarter.…
Read moreDecree Number 21 of 2013 – One Year Later We’re all familiar with the story. Mr A buys property off-plan. Developer advises property will be completed by 201X. Mr A awaits handover with anticipation. 201X comes and goes, with no news on the property. Developer or sales agent contact Mr…
Read moreНа самом деле фраза «проверка с должной осмотрительностью» легко ассоциируется с юридической отраслью. Но, напомнив себе ее основное определение, мы понимаем, что каждый из нас выполняет эту проверку сотни раз в день. Мы можем проверять прогноз погоды или отчеты о пробках перед выходом из дома, читать отзывы о фильме для…
Read moreВопросы, которые, как правило, широко обсуждаются в настоящее время в бизнес и юридических кругах, относятся к рецессии. Эти вопросы так же затрагивают следующие темы 1) что привело к рецессии; 2) можно ли ее было предотвратить; 3) какой урок можно извлечь из этого прецедента? Например, рассмотрим случай Королевского Банка Шотландии. Рыночная…
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