Закон Категории дневника

Arbitration in Dubai and UAE
16 Dec 2017

Решение Арбитражного Суда VS Политика Государства

Решение Арбитражного Суда VS Политика Государства «Общественный порядок - хрупкая вещь, и если вы не исправите первое разбитое окно, скоро все окна будут разбиты» - Джеймс О Вильсон      Многие из нас вздрагивают при мысли о судебных разбирательствах, учитывая их дорогостоящий и продолжительный характер. Но, к счастью, для нас существуют…

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Property Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
16 Oct 2017

Руководство по внеплановому имущественному праву в Абу-Даби

GUIDE TO OFF-PLAN PROPERTY LAWS IN ABU DHABI Previously, laws concerning off-plan property sales in Abu Dhabi was a legal blind-spot that caused ambiguity and failure in securing the interests of the investors. However, the establishment of Law Number 3 of 2015 on the Regulation of Real Estate Sector in…

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Строительные юридические фирмы в Дубае
22 Aug 2017

FIDIC и ENAA: сравнение (часть II II)

FIDIC AND ENAA: COMPARISON Part II of II In our previous issue, we discussed FIDIC and ENAA forms which are an internationally recognized and utilized form of contracts and the general comparisons between them. Our attorneys had also detailed the requirements of data accuracy, and other conditions of companies. Although,…

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Laws of contract in UAE
14 Jul 2017

FIDIC и ENAA: тщательное сравнение

FIDIC AND ENAA COMPARISION In the complex and technical world of construction and large manufacturing projects, the contracts and negotiations on the terms of an agreement between the parties are a means to keep the complex relation of parties within the bounds of clear understanding by utilizing a standard form…

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19 May 2017

Строительное Право и Использование Времени

Строительное Право и Использование Времени   Человечество создало время, чтобы держать организовать и структурировать свою жизнь. Это, по сути, социальная конструкция, в которой мы живем всю свою жизнь. Это не просто фундаментально, но необходимо для нашего выживания. Закон подобным же образом был создан нами, чтобы диктовать то, как мы должны…

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Delay Penalty in Construction Contracts
08 Jan 2017

Delay Penalty in Construction Contracts

Delay Penalty in Construction Contracts “No construction project is risk-free. Risk can be managed, minimized, shared, transferred or accepted. It cannot be ignored” -Michael Latham Scope and usage of back-to-back contracts Back-to-back contracts are becoming an increasingly common feature of construction projects. Construction projects typically involve the collaboration of three…

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05 Jan 2017

Who is Liable to Pay when Circumstances for Construction Change?

Who is Liable to Pay when Circumstances for Construction Change? Construction has been one of the most dynamic industrial sectors in the Middle East due to the increase in need of palatial residential and office spaces that arise from the surfeit of expatriates that flock into the region every year.…

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18 Oct 2016

Survival Of The Fittest - Asset Securitization in the UAE

The global financial market has been constantly remodeling itself, more so in the wake of the global economic meltdown which tainted asset securitization activity. One can often draw parallels between the ever-changing economy and the manner in which securitization activity is fast becoming a desired source of diversified finance enabling…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
28 Jul 2016

Новый Закон Абу Даби о совместном владении имущества (Strata Law)

Новый Закон Абу Даби о совместном владении имущества (Strata Law) Ничто так не действует на нервы как реклама агентств по недвижимости, кричащая «Купи Сейчас, Плати Потом». Если бы можно реализовать это в действительности, интересно, было бы написано на рекламном щите «Купи один, второй бесплатно»? Одной из ключевых проблем, с которой…

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Закон об аренде в Абу Даби и его изменения
05 Jun 2016

Закон об аренде в Абу Даби и его изменения

Закон об аренде в Абу Даби и его изменения Закон об аренде недвижимости является одним из наиболее важных аспектов жизни общества, который определяет права и обязанности физических лиц. Кроме того, он также устанавливает принцип взаимодействия между людьми в целом и для разрешения их споров в частности. Закон об аренде жилья…

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14 Mar 2016

Brainstorming: Before Buying a Property in Abu Dhabi

The Abu Dhabi Government has implemented numerous laws and regulations regarding the real estate sector lately. The Emirate of Abu Dhabi has experienced an exponential growth in the past few years. The new real estate law – Number 3 of 2015 Regulating Real Estate Sector in the Emirate of Abu…

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14 Mar 2016

Project Financing -a Primer

Project Finance as the technique of financing any development idea is rapidly increasing in developing countries due to their drive to gain industrial development and improve infrastructural amenities. The infrastructural projects or projects relating to energy industry are usually funded by government through public funds since historical times due to…

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14 Mar 2016


There are across the world, varied different institutions of property, radically different ways of separating the land space, and developing rights in consonance with other legal, economic and social institutions. These differences get in to limelight when one pays attention to the sometimes subtle differences in policies and regulations that…

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06 Mar 2016

Key Decisions on Dubai Property Laws between 2009 and 2013 by Dubai Court of Cassation

The prodigious and fortuitous impact (and, speed) of global financial crisis has left a lasting legacy on many. Questions have been raised in past as to what led to crisis, people who were instrumental in driving the downturn and people affected by same .Speed and force without direction can be…

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