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Challenging Expert Appointment in the UAE The appointment of an expert in UAE (United Arab Emirates) can be challenged on the basis that the expert failed to carry out his duties in an impartial manner or without prejudice to either one of the parties. The expert appointed has to at…
Read moreVictim-Offender Mediation: An alternative to the Criminal Justice System? Abstract: Victims feel progressively baffled and estranged by our current frameworks for justice. Despite the fact that the criminal justice framework exists accurately, victims abused by criminal conduct have no legitimate remaining during the time spent getting justice. Traditionally, mediation is…
Read moreInheritance under Shariah Law The United Arab Emirates Law of inheritance is very broad. It is suitable for not only Muslims but can be applied to inheritance cases involving people of any religion and nationality. Sharia law, without question, applies to all Muslims; however a non-Muslim foreign national may choose…
Read moreSPOUSAL SUPPORT IN BROKEN MARRIAGES A professional women’s working hours might be from 9 to 6, but a housewife’s job doesn’t end there. A housewife has a 24-hour tireless position much more than anyone who works outside the house. On any given day they are required to be nurses, psychologists,…
Read moreUS Law: Legalities Surrounding Division of Assets Post Divorce What’s mine is yours! During subsistence of the marriage, this phrase is often (willingly) quoted by either spouse to the other. However, the dynamics change once the marriage ends and the married couple goes through a divorce. The aspects and details…
Read moreARE YOU OFFENDED OR IS IT FREEDOM OF SPEECH? “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” ―John Milton, Areopagitica We are always encouraged to voice our thoughts and to use the liberty of freedom of speech. However, can we…
Read moreContradictory Statements In a bundle of truths, a lie will always be found within. Pinocchio told lies, and his nose grew. Unfortunately, liars in the courtroom may only be caught out by the inconsistent statements they make throughout a case. The challenge is for the jury and prosecution to find…
Read moreMargarida Narciso discusses the legal implications of violating private or family life of individuals under the UAE Law. Advancement in field of technology, social media and phone apps may lead younger generation to eavesdrop, resort to clicking images or videos and post them on social media. This however may affect…
Read moreIn the present day and age we can all agree that there is no such thing as a typical family tableaux. Although time, culture and location have always flavoured the “traditional” concept, nowadays we can no longer use such factors to predict the identity of the protagonists sat around the…
Read moreWhere There’s A Will, There’s A Way: “We should not forget that it will be just as important to our descendants to be prosper- ous in their time as it is to us to be prosperous in our time.” …
Read moreПринятие уголовных законов требует первоначального определения следующих пунктов: (1) те социальные и индивидуальные интересы, которые будут защищать эти законы и (2) виды поведения, которые должны быть запрещены [i]. При определении, следует ли применить уголовное наказание для обвиняемого, суд должен принять во внимание несколько факторов, включая намерения обвиняемого, наличие преступного умысла,…
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