Are You Offended or is it Freedom of Speech? “Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” ―John Milton, Areopagitica We are always encouraged to voice our thoughts and to use the liberty of freedom of speech. However, can we…
Read moreWitness Testimony in UAE Part I Witness testimony is undoubtedly the oldest form of evidence and is given the most credibility in the courts. The issue that arises here is that how reliable the statements of witnesses are in the court in civil or criminal matters. The civil or criminal…
Read moreAnti Fraud Law in the UAE The United Arab Emirates recently enacted Federal Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Combating Commercial Fraud (the Anti-Fraud Law or the Law) has replaced the erstwhile Federal Law Number 4 of 1979 dealing with the Concealment of Fraud and Deception in Transactions commercial in…
Read moreCriminal Liability of Arbitrators in the UAE Are arbitrators above the law? Have you thought about arbitrators and the importance of their role in international arbitration tribunals? Well, arbitrators are the most crucial element of the modern alternative dispute resolution system. Their position is similar to that of judges who…
Read moreContradictory Statements In a bundle of truths, a lie will always be found within. Pinocchio told lies, and his nose grew. Unfortunately, liars in the courtroom may only be caught out by the inconsistent statements they make throughout a case. The challenge is for the jury and prosecution to find…
Read moreSpeedy Criminal Justice in Dubai William E. Gladstone once said in a public gathering that ‘justice delayed is justice denied.' But neither the person nor the concept was new to the anxious crowd. Regarding the person, Mr. Gladstone has served as the Prime Minister of United Kingdom more times than…
Read moreDIPLOMACY AND INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE: AN ANALYSIS (Part I of II) ‘Peace comes at a price. And that price is diplomacy. We may all know who is paying the price, but sometimes, we cannot comprehend the amplitude of the price paid.’ {C}- International Relations Department, STA Law Firm The…
Read moreTackling Post-dated Cheques in Bahrain Can an instrument of payment be offered that ensures complete safety? The reality of the latter statement is an unlikely one. The law, however, does attempt to provide security where a payment transaction fails to do so. The nooks and crevices of such law must…
Read moreDIFC: A Jurisdictional Overview The DIFC courts exist as a jurisdictional island within the Dubai panorama. The Dubai International Financial Centre (the DIFC) Courts were established back in 2004 by His Highness, Dubai's ruler at the time, Sheikh Maktoum bin Rashid Al Maktoum. Providing an independent administration of justice in…
Read moreThREAT - THE ROLE OF COERCION UNDER UAE LAW It is almost universally accepted, both in law and with consideration of morals that agreements entered into under coercion cannot, at all, be considered binding. Thus one is not obligated to keep, and the law will not enforce, a contract you undertake to…
Read moreCourt-Side Justice ‘You don’t go on bended-knee to petition the official culture for your rights. You have to take them.’ -Terrance McKenna Countries are not sustained, and their peoples are not stable where a superior judicial system is not in place. Achieving a system of justice is not possible unless…
Read moreThe New Medical Liability Law in the UAE: A New Horizon “If people understood that doctors weren't divine, perhaps the odor of malpractice might diminish.” {C}- Richard Selzer People seek the assistance of professionals with the view of obtaining expert advice on matters that are beyond their proficiency or expertise.…
Read morePalpable Payments - Diya or Blood Money ‘Oh, no. It costs a lot more than your (own) life. To murder innocent people?’ -Suzanne Collins This article was authored by Reem Ali, with contributions and inputs from Abdel Ghany Although globalization is advancing at the seams of the 21st century, it…
Read moreCareful Conscious - A look at Bahrain's Criminal Law It is, in fact, the ability to consciously use our brains that separate us, the human race, from other animals we term as ‘wild.’ This ability is perhaps celebrated, but also to be used carefully and with caution. This ability also paves the…
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