Labeled Liable Part II of II “Surround yourself with assets, not liabilities.” Introduction Liability is a billion-dollar word. Legally, socially and morally, all actions are subject to and governed by a sense of moderation. A civil liability claim and the concept of abatement go hand in hand since a claim…
Read moreWhose Money is it Anyway? The Legalities Surrounding Deposits in the UAE ‘Tiny details imperceptible to us decide everything! ’ - W.G Sebald Some contractors may not pay attention to the phrases, conditions, or rules within their contracts. Ultimately this leads to conflicting and inadequate interpretations of clauses. For…
Read moreBe Aware, else Beware Part II of II In the earlier issue, the author discussed forgery under UAE Criminal Laws and other related statutes. We broadly covered – the definition it's different types (material and moral), legal implications of denial and applicability of the law of evidence. We also addressed recent…
Read moreThe Essence of Financial Crimes 'Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud." Sophocles On a bright morning in March 2009, Bernard Mardoff pleaded guilty to defrauding his clients of sixty-five (65) billion dollars in one of the largest Ponzi schemes the world has witnessed. The former chairman of Bernard L. Mardoff Investment…
Read moreBe Aware, else Beware (Part I of II) ‘Ignorance of the law excuses no man; not that all men know the law, but because it’s an excuse every man will plead, and no man can tell how to refute him’ - John Seldon The law has provided that an ignorance of…
Read moreSpotting the Fake: Forgery Under UAE Law Part 2 of 2 In the previous issue, we discussed material aspects relating to forgery under UAE Criminal Laws and other statutes. We discussed broadly – the definition of forgery, types of forgery (material and moral), legal implications of denial in light of…
Read moreCorporate Liability: The UK Bribery Act If you can shift your thinking away from merely selling and into building trust instead, even if it costs you a few bucks in profit, you’ll begin to see opportunities you never imagined once you understand what it means to ‘wow’ that customer by…
Read moreWho’s Fooling Whom? Combating Counterfeits: The UAE Context “If buyers wish to be snobs, the law will protect them in their snobbery. i” Consumer industry is demanding and precisely so when it relates to high-end luxury at a fraction of the retail cost. One would be only foolish…
Read moreSpotting the Fake: Forgery under UAE Law (Part 1 of 2) The creation of an idea, a work of art involves persistence and a visionary acumen, to say the least. Such is the allurement surrounding element of individuality that it has continued to lure the less privileged into forgery from time…
Read more“Walk where your heart leads you, there are no restrictions and no burdens.” Howsoever good you might find the above quote, the truth is that such a thing is not always a reality in this world. But international conventions, rules, and regulations such as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights…
Read moreIf you do not buy the coffee I sell, I shall forbid you from buying coffee anywhere else… Many years ago, a Superman flick had the bad guy delineating monopoly in a trade as coffee mafia. Today, sophisticated legal developments recognize these practices as unfair trade practices. But the…
Read moreMargarida Narciso discusses the legal implications of violating private or family life of individuals under the UAE Law. Advancement in field of technology, social media and phone apps may lead younger generation to eavesdrop, resort to clicking images or videos and post them on social media. This however may affect…
Read moreINTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS GOVERNING THE ENFORCEMENT OF FOREIGN JUDGMENTS IN THE UAE To continue with our previous article, the second part deals with the various agreements in place between the United Arab Emirates and various countries and how they are enforced. We have looked at multilateral and bilateral agreements separately…
Read moreIntroduction With the spread of globalization, technical and technological evolution, changes in communication means and transportations, economic freedom and free trade around the world have reinforced the idea that businesses and commercial dealings need protection. Hence, as there is an international cooperation among countries to follow an international criminal worldwide,…
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