Company Formation in Sohar Port and Free Zone The Port and the Free Zone Located on the northern coast of Oman, Sohar is a city with quite a colorful past. It is quite an old and famous city, steeped in history. The city is the largest within the northern areas…
Read moreLegal Issues within the Ambit of Sports Law With the increasing involvement of the number of people in the sports industry, the number of legal embroilment issues is also on an all-time high. The body of laws governing sports is stretched far and wide covering within its different ambit issues.…
Read moreCompany Formation in Ajman Free Zone Strategically constructed at the Arabian Gulf, Ajman Free Zone (AFZ or Free Zone) is the smallest yet the most famous free zone in the country and is capable of serving both eastern as well as the western market. AFZ was recognized in 1988 under…
Read moreAn Overview of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods If a company in the United Arab Emirates wanted to buy authentic leather abroad, most likely they would start looking for sellers in Italy. Considering that they find such an Italian company, the first step in…
Read moreHeads of Terms “Intention is one of the most powerful forces there is. What you mean when you do a thing will always determine the outcome. The law creates the world.” - {C}{C}Brenna Yovanoff Overview Every contract is the result of an intense negotiation between the parties of the contract…
Read moreCompany Formation in Shannon Free Zone Did you know that the concept (and architecture) of the Dubai World Trade Centre was influenced by the then, World Trade Centre in New York? After the consolidation and formation of the seven Emirates in 1971, the UAE was looking for an opportunity to…
Read moreDIPLOMACY AND INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE: AN ANALYSIS (Part I of II) ‘Peace comes at a price. And that price is diplomacy. We may all know who is paying the price, but sometimes, we cannot comprehend the amplitude of the price paid.’ {C}- International Relations Department, STA Law Firm The…
Read moreKeeping it Simple: Federal Law Number (8) of 2017 on Value Added Tax The UAE's new governing law regarding VAT is the Federal Decree-Law Number (8) of 2017 (the Law). According to Article (1) of the Law defines Value Added Tax as ‘tax levied on import and/ or supply…
Read moreCompany Formation in Dubai Airport Free Zone In its early years, the renowned Emirates airlines had to lease aircraft(s) from its counterparts in Pakistan to meet the growing demand in the aviation industry in the Middle East. Although, the global airline sector back then was not the same as it is…
Read moreBoarding Complete: An Islamic Rendering Part I of II Islamic Principles not only lay guidance on the relationship between man and God but also provide directives on a system of transactions for dealings between man and man to lead a life in an Islamic way. Such Islamic jurisprudence referred to…
Read moreWho’s Winning and Who’s Whining Under Saudi Arabia’s New Enforcement Law Preface "The Prophet Muhammad (resorted to) arbitration to resolve disputes and (recommended) others to use it. His (involvement in) arbitration between the clans of the Quraysh tribe during the renovation of the Ka'ba is significant in the history of…
Read moreToo Much of FATCA! Renowned author and entrepreneur, Mark Twain, once said, ‘tax is a fine for doing well; whereas, a fine is a tax for doing wrong.' Now, the question on hand is which one of the two the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (the FATCA) would get unseated!…
Read moreThe Evolution of Private Equity in India The advent of the year 2015 has seen a lot of political and economic skepticism unfolding in the form of the Brexit vote, demonetization in India, mounting Chinese debt and concerns over trade relations between the US and Asia. It, however, appears…
Read moreThe Effect of Brexit on International Arbitration ‘When life gives you orange, make orange juice'1 Does life always give oranges, you may ask? To some, oranges are acidic but for a few a morning without orange juice is like a day without sunshine. They are packed with vitamin C and…but…
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