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company formation in Abu Dhabi
05 Nov 2018

Открытие бизнеса в Абу-Даби в свободной зоне TwoFour54

Открытие бизнеса в Абу-Даби в свободной зоне TwoFour54. Введение Свободная зона TwoFour54 расположена в Абу Даби. Будучи столицей ОАЭ, Абу-Даби является очень важным центром бизнеса в стране. Однако, когда кто-то думает об ОАЭ, Абу-Даби часто не тот город, который приходит первым на ум. Вместо этого Дубай часто рассматривается как бизнес-центр…

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Lawyers in Dubai
03 Oct 2018

company formation soharport

Company Formation in Sohar Port and Free Zone The Port and the Free Zone Located on the northern coast of Oman, Sohar is a city with quite a colorful past. It is quite an old and famous city, steeped in history. The city is the largest within the northern areas…

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Company Formation in UAE
06 Sep 2018

Company Formation in Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone

Company Formation in Ras Al Khaimah Economic Zone The Northern Emirate Ras al Khaimah (RAK) is the most northerly of the Emirates within the UAE, and while it is not as recognizable as the bigger glittering cities located within a couple of hours of it. It does have many natural…

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Company Formation in Offshore
15 Aug 2018

Открытие Оффшорной Компании на Сейшельских Островах

Открытие Оффшорной Компании на Сейшельских Островах   Сейшельские острова, расположенные в теплых лазурных водах Индийского океана, в безопасной отдаленности от циклонного пояса, являются превосходным уголком среди идеальной природы. 115 островов, разбросанных на более чем 1,4 миллионах квадратных километрах теплых прозрачных вод, Сейшельские острова предлагают постоянно расширяющийся выбор для гостей, ищущих…

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Lawyers in Dubai
12 Jul 2018

Dubai Airport Free Zone

Dubai Airport Free Zone   1.  What was the establishing law of this free zone, and what are the main internal regulations governing it?  Dubai Airport Free (DAF) Zone was established by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, ruler of Dubai by Dubai Law No. 2/1996 and received…

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Lawyers in Dubai
24 Jun 2018

Company Formation in Ajman Free Zone

COMPANY FORMATION IN AJMAN FREE ZONE   Strategically constructed at the Arabian Gulf, Ajman Free Zone (AFZ or Free Zone) is the smallest yet the most famous free zone in the country and is capable of serving both eastern as well as the western market. AFZwas recognized in 1988 under…

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Lawyers in Dubai
14 May 2018

Company Formation in Kuwait Free Trade Zone

COMPANY FORMATION IN KUWAIT FREE TRADE ZONE   Kuwait, also known as the Fruitful Land of the Gulfis considered to be a land of opportunities.The country’s richness lies in the natural resources like oil and gas but also the real wealth of the nation lies in its human capital as…

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Company Formation in UAE
24 Apr 2018

RAK Maritime Free zone Authority

COMPANY FORMATION IN RAK MARITIME CITY  The hidden gemof UAE, theemirate of Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) is a mesmeric stretch of golden beaches, terracotta desert, backed up by the fiercemountains of Hajar and an ocean of Bedouin Oasis is just out of the shadow of Dubai’s extravagant skyscrapers. Thepearly-whiteand multi-domedSheikh…

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Shipping Lawyers in Dubai
27 Mar 2018

Логистическая Зона Бахрейна

Сердце Залива  - Бахрейн «Стартап – это компания, которая не знает, что она продает, кто ее клиенты и как зарабатывать деньги». Центральное расположение в регионе Персидского Залива, стабильный экономический климат, атмосфера, благоприятная для бизнеса, современные технологии и исключительные возможности для бизнеса – достаточные аргументы для убеждения инвестора вложиться в стартап. Бахрейн…

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Company Formation in Dubai
28 Feb 2018

Dubai Internet City

COMPANY FORMATION IN DUBAI INTERNET CITY Free economic zones have made the Emirate of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, a popular destination for investment. The particularity of free zones is that they allow foreign nationals to own 100% of the shares in a company, in contrast to the general…

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31 Jan 2018

Incorporating before Abu Dhabi Airport Business City

Company Formation in Abu Dhabi Airport Business City 1. What law established this free zone? The following laws are the primary piece of legislation governing the Abu Dhabi Airport Business City (ADAB): Abu Dhabi Executive Council Resolution Number 61 of 2010 gave Sky City the authority to grant free zone status…

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21 Nov 2017

The Best of Both the Worlds

The Best of Both Worlds Balancing Low Costs and High Investments Although the title of this article sounds like the lyrics of a boy-band, we are not discussing about shores, Among the pool of Free Trade Zones in the United Arab Emirates, the Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone (RAK…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
31 Oct 2017

Shannon: Register a New Business

Company Formation in Shannon Free Zone Did you know that the concept (and architecture) of the Dubai World Trade Centre was influenced by the then, World Trade Centre in New York? After the consolidation and formation of the seven Emirates in 1971, the UAE was looking for an opportunity to…

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Company Formation in Dubai
30 Sep 2017


hAPPINESS  ‘If opportunity does not knock, build a door’ {C}-        {C}{C}Milton Berle Yes, Appiness. The time I used to spend on reading, cooking, playing sports is all a thing of past! What do I do these days, you may ask? Apps, apps and apps. They give me appiness. From technology…

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