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Hedging Strategies for Power Contracts Introduction The worldwide establishment of the power markets is primarily due to the global restructuring and reorganisation of the electricity and other energy supply market. Since the electric power industry is structured in three distinct segments of power generation ranging from production to transmission and…
Read moreDo you have outstanding bank loans and credit card payments? “Some debts are fun when you are acquiring them, but none are fun when you set about retiring them.” Often, unexpected events can astound an individual in an array of ways like a change in employment, personal emergency, etc., which…
Read moreGM Food Technology in UAE & Global Purview “The Food You Eat Can Be Either The Safest & Most Powerful Form of Medicine or the Slowest Form of Poison” -Ann Wigmore Since times immemorial humans have cultivated crops for food, they have been picky about beneficial traits for bumper breeding.…
Read moreBollywood Deals: Music Meets Dance Who isn’t a fan of Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge? The lens takes us to the romance set in the mountains of Switzerland to a typical wedding household in India with dance, music, drama, and emotion. Bollywood is one of the most prolific centers of film…
Read moreCross Border Mergers Introduction Recently there has been a noticeable wave of mergers (especially in the banking sector) within the GCC. Just in 2017, there were 85 mergers in the UAE and over 400 mergers in the GCC. Many of those mergers were cross border mergers; for instance, in the…
Read moreRecent Development in Abu Dhabi Healthcare Sector “It is health that is real wealth”- Mahatma Gandhi Introduction Over the past decades, the UAE health sector has witnessed a dramatic change along with impressive growth. UAE has a federal government which oversees the entire country’s health sector. The government also finances…
Read moreExclusion Clauses in the UAE The Importance of Contracts and Exclusion Clauses Contracts are vital documents at all levels of society. Whether in business or everyday life, contracts are formed all the time from the simplest dealings between individuals to the most complex business deals. There may be occasions…
Read moreГорная Промышленность Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов Горная промышленность на протяжении веков была движущей силой экономики. Будь то добыча полезных ископаемых, металлов или драгоценных камней, каждый вид горнодобывающей промышленности играет решающую роль в экономической деятельности многих государств во всем мире. Этот принцип ничем не отличается и в Объединенных Арабских Эмиратах, и хотя…
Read moreContract law and the position of third parties Contractual relations are relations we enter into every day of our lives, whether express or implied, whether formally or informally. When people go to the grocery store, at the check-out counter, they enter into a contractual relationship with the store. They accept…
Read moreIntroduction The Initial Public Offering (IPO) is the first occasion on which a company will have shares put up on a stock market. An investment bank will underwrite the IPO and will arrange for the listing of the shares on one or more stock exchanges. An IPO is often a…
Read moreAGENCY LAWS IN THE GCC COUNTRIES Introduction The extension of the multinational partnership is either setting up its subsidiary in remote purview or to tie up with the local organization in a foreign jurisdiction. United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the distant locals where international organizations are going into…
Read moreCOMPANY FORMATION IN KUWAIT FREE TRADE ZONE Kuwait, also known as the Fruitful Land of the Gulfis considered to be a land of opportunities.The country’s richness lies in the natural resources like oil and gas but also the real wealth of the nation lies in its human capital as…
Read moreCOMPANY FORMATION IN RAK MARITIME CITY The hidden gemof UAE, theemirate of Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) is a mesmeric stretch of golden beaches, terracotta desert, backed up by the fiercemountains of Hajar and an ocean of Bedouin Oasis is just out of the shadow of Dubai’s extravagant skyscrapers. Thepearly-whiteand multi-domedSheikh…
Read moreTender and Procurement Law of Abu Dhabi What are Tender and Procurement processes? Tender and procurement are two processes that go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other, and these processes are ones which occur in a multitude of countries and jurisdictions around the world. In a…
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