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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
05 Jan 2022

UAE to Join Madrid System in December 2021

UAE to Join Madrid System in December 2021, Understanding the implications The Government of the United Arab Emirates has declared its move to join the Madrid Protocol System, which will come into force on the 28th of December 2021. The move indicates the UAE becoming the 109th country globally and…

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Lawyers in Dubai
04 Jan 2022

Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in UAE

Enforcement of Arbitral Awards in UAE Enforcement is agreeing with a contract with an appropriate dispute resolution mechanism. The UAE introduced federal Law No.6 of 2018 on Arbitration in 2018. It clarifies the procedures to challenge the enforcement of an arbitral award before the onshore UAE courts. The arbitration law…

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Law Firms in Dubai
03 Jan 2022

Federal Law 6 of 2021: Introduction of Mediation Law in UАE

Federal Law Number 6 of 2021: Introduction of Mediation Law in UАE Introduction А process where an unbiased third party helps the disputing party to resolve their disputes or conflicts by the use of specialized techniques and methods of negotiations is referred as mediation. It is an аlternаtive dispute resolution mechanism…

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Lawyers in Dubai
03 Jan 2022

Decree 34 of 2021 Development in Arbitration in Dubai

Decree 34 of 2021 and Development in Arbitration in Dubai "Arbitration is justice blended with charity" - Nachman of Breslov. The Dubai Decree no. 34 of 2021 regarding the Dubai International Arbitration Centre was published on 14 September 2021. The new Decree will reform the framework of Arbitration in the Emirate of Dubai.…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
05 Dec 2021

DFSA New Regulations on Investment Tokens

DFSA’s new regulations on Investment Tokens In a few decades, technologies have had the most significant impact on the life of people. It's not because of social media, drones & robotics, the Internet of Things, machine learning. Still, the changes are happening due to the underlying technology of digital currencies…

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Law Firms in Dubai
05 Dec 2021

Limitation of Liability in Maritime Matters

Limitation of Liability in Maritime Matters The existence of vessels trade generally includes them in mishaps that result in claims. Personal injury, property damage (such as harm to vessels and beacons on the seashore and coast setups), shipment damage, and other claims may be made. In a broad sense, any…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
05 Dec 2021

Madrid System for International Registration of Trаdemаks

Madrid System for the International Registration of Trаdemаks Introduction Two independent treaties govern the registration of trademarks around the world and they are Madrid Agreement and Madrid Protocol. Combining the agreement and protocol is the Madrid System for International Registration of Marks. Countries that are part of the Convention and…

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family laws in UAE
05 Dec 2021

UАE Personаl Status Lаw

UАE Personаl Status Lаw Introduction The United Аrаb Emirаtes is а culturаl meltdown with more thаn 200 nаtions, аnd the pаst people аccounted for more thаn 90 percent of the populаtion. The UАE government continues to implement meаsures to bring а more аttrаctive environment for ex-pаts, in line with its…

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Law Firms in Dubai
05 Dec 2021

Understanding censorship Across the GCC

Understanding Censorship Across the GCC Censorship is one method of the government to control media. Censorship is characterized as concealment or forbiddance of speech or composing that is considered subversive of the benefit of everyone. It happens in all manifestations of power in some degree, yet in present day times…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
04 Dec 2021

Cheque Law in Kuwait

Cheque Law in Kuwait A negotiable instrument is a document recorded as a hard copy that represents an unconditional promise to pay a specific amount of money determined upon the interest of its owner. The emergence of new technology influences the business world also; it takes up new modes which…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
08 Nov 2021

Common Law system in UK and Civil Law system in UAE

  A Guide to distinguishing between the Common Law system in the UK and the Civil Law system in UAE “The legal system is often a mystery, and we, its priests, preside over rituals baffling to everyday citizens.”  - Henry Miller  Introduction: Generally, the judiciary is divided into two systems, one is…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
07 Nov 2021

Patent waiver on vaccines

Patent waiver on vaccines A patent right is an absolute right given for an invention of a product or process which will proscribe others from utilizing, distributing or retailing the product without the consent of the owner. The patent protection is subjected under the TRIPS agreement. The patent holders have the prerogative to manufacture, sell, and use the vaccine for the entire term of 20 years from the date of the filing of the…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
07 Nov 2021

Impact of Artificial intelligence on Legal Sector

Impact of Artificial intelligence on Legal Sector The stimulation of human intelligence process by a machine is termed as Artificial intelligence. Mostly this is done by the computer systems. The Specific applications of Artificial intelligence include natural language processing, speech recognition and machine vision. In simple words it is programming a…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
06 Nov 2021

Arbitration Law in the UAE

Arbitration Law in the UAE "Arbitration is justice blended with charity" – Nachman of Bresloy Arbitration is a famous method of resolution of disputes. The UAE's first stand-alone law on arbitration is governed by the Federal Arbitration Law No. 6 of 2018 which is known as “United Arab Emarites Arbitration Law”.…

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