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A Guide to Information Security and Data Protection Laws in GCC Countries New challenges have arisen with the technological development along with the social and economic globalization. It can be said that our entire personal data is being stored in the gadgets we use. Internet today has brought millions of…
Read moreDecentralized Autonomous Organisation The promising era of Economic Freedom A decentralized autonomous organization (the DAO) is a computer program which is a form of an investor directed venture capital fund. The primary objective of the DAO was to provide a new decentralized business model which could help in the operations…
Read moreLegalities of using Virtual Private Network – Considering the recent ban on skype and other applications in U.A.E. Introduction : In recent years, an enormous change has undergone in the field of technology which raises a necessary question about human’s ability to continue in protecting and promoting the right over…
Read moreCyber Liability Insurance The Cyberspace The world is in a continually developing state, with new and exciting inventions and technologies arising on a regular basis. It would take some form of expert, or perhaps your average teenager, to entirely keep up to date with all that is new. However,…
Read moreUAE Domain Name Governance and Dispute Resolution What is in the name, asked a layman. Everything, if it is a domain name, replied the lawyer! Introduction Almost every kind of business, whether a startup or a fully-grown company need an online presence through an official website. A website is…
Read moreEYE-PHONE: LEGAL ISSUES ABOUT APPLE'S NEW FACIAL RECOGNITION FEATURE – PART II The ever-changing technology the law is always trying to keep up its pace as now the interaction of law and technology is more critical than ever. The ungoverned technology is a danger to the society if drones are flying over…
Read moreАйфон: Юридические вопросы новой функциональности компании Apple по распознаванию лиц – Часть 1 Махатма Ганди когда-то сказал, что принцип око за око может только сделать весь мир слепым. Говоря о зрении, вспоминается мысль, что не каждый закрытый глаз спит, и не каждый открытый глаз видит. От очков до контактных линз…
Read moreGDPR COMPLIANT OR NOT? Introduction On 25 May 2018, General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR) will come into effect in European Union. It is the most significant transformation to the landscape of European data protection in the past twenty years. Upon the enactment of new GDPR law, all the personal…
Read moreDigital platforms and their terms of use: Does it matter? The many digital platforms are transforming almost every industry today; it is swiftly becoming apparent that the similar looking terms of use and privacy policies currently applicable may not provide new entrepreneurs or platform users with an adequate sense of…
Read moreCloud Computing and Transfer Pricing In these times life without Netflix or Google Drive is hard to imagine, right? Accessing your all-time favorite movies from wherever you are to whenever you need without the hassle of carrying a bunch of discs and tapes wherever you go. Be it your slumber…
Read moreMAN, the Law, and Algorithms! “Computers will overtake humans with Artificial Intelligence within the next 100 years. When that happens, we need to make sure that computers have goals aligned with ours.” Stephen Hawking A few years ago, I used to take the morning bus to reach…
Read moreСправедливая доля - Обзор Страховых Веб Агрегаторов «Когда действие становится невыгодным, собирайте информацию» -Урсула К. Ле Гуин, «Левая рука тьмы» От беспилотных автомобилей до высокотехнологичных беспилотных самолетов, человечество сначала проявляет склонность к инновациям, а потом их планирует. Например, интернет настолько быстро развивается, что возникает вопрос, могут ли законы…
Read moreLegal Protection of Software - A Detailed Overview Intellectual property is an intrinsic part of the modern economy. We have discussed trademarks in all forms be it colour or smell, discussed copyright and its infringements; and highlighted the importance of having a claim over one’s work product or invention. This…
Read moreВ данной статье автор статьи Сурби ставит под вопрос юридический статус криптовалюты Биткоин и сложности, с которыми столкнулись финансовые институты и регулирующие органы в ее отношении. Исторически сложилось, что мир финансов носит международный характер. Будучи мобильным капиталом, деньги свободно перемещаются через границы по всему миру, в то время как золото…
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