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Law Firms in Dubai
09 Apr 2021

Bahrain Investment Wharf

Bahrain Investment Wharf Introduction The Bahrain Investment Wharf (BIW), worth US$1.3 billion, is the Kingdom's largest privately owned and operated industrial park. This ground-breaking proposal is a mixed-use manufacturing, enterprise, logistics, commercial, and residential construction estate that spans 1.7 million square meters in the recently built Al Hidd Industrial Development…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
21 Feb 2021

Pharma 2020

Pharma 2020 1. What are the main laws governing the manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals in the jurisdiction? Bahrain Decree-Law No. 18/1997 with Respect to the Practice of Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Centres (as amended by Bahrain Decree-Law No. 20/2015) (the Law). 2. Are there any significant differences in this area…

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Law Firms in Dubai
20 Feb 2021

Health & Safety 2020

Health & Safety 2020 1. What is the main legislation governing health and safety in this jurisdiction? The primary legislation governing health and safety in Bahrain is the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (OHS) which were introduced in 1976. These were broadly based on the UK Health and Safety at…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
20 Feb 2021

Franchising 2020

Franchising 2020 1. Is there a specific law governing franchise relationships in this jurisdiction? The primary pieces of legislation with regard to franchise arrangements in Bahrain are the Commercial Agency Law, Bahrain Law No. 10/1992, as amended (the Agency Law) and its Implementing Regulation, Bahrain Regulation No. 2/1993 (the Implementing…

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Law Firms in Dubai
20 Feb 2021

Competition 2020 Bahrain

Competition 2020 Bahrain 1. What is the name of the main regulator/ regulators governing the competition law in this jurisdiction? The Authority for Promotion and Protection of Competition. 2. In the context of a merger acquisition in what circumstances, are the seller and/or the purchaser required to notify the competition…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
18 Feb 2021

Q&A Bahrain Banks 2020

Q&A Bahrain Banks 2020 1. What are the main laws regulating the banking sector in this jurisdiction and what do they cover? Laws relevant to the Banking sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia include – - The Central Bank of Bahrain and Financial Institutions Law 2006 Bahrain Stock Exchange…

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Lawyers in Dubai
06 Dec 2020

Artificial Intelligence Criminal Justice System

Artificial Intelligence & The Criminal Justice System Introduction  As Stephen Hawking once said, “Artificial Intelligence is either the best or the worst thing to happen to humanity.” The fact that the system is constantly evolving and learning from our routine behavior allows it to adapt and become a sophisticated technology…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
06 Dec 2020

Crypto Asset Exchange – Bahrain

Crypto Asset Exchange – Bahrain Introduction Cryptocurrencies gained traction all across the world since its inception, considering this growth in popularity and use, industry experts, praise its potential. This digital currency went from being a mere concept to virtual reality. In the Gulf Region, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi are a…

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02 Nov 2020

Rail Infrasructure Projectse GCC

Rail Infrasructure Projects in the GCC Rail Projects are always an ambitious and expensive affair every country hopes for, not to mention the long time periods required to complete and establish such projects as operational. While providing extensive environmental benefits, reducing the pollution created by cars and other heavy operational…

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Financial Lawyers in Bahrain
15 Oct 2020

Initial Public Offering- Bahrain

Initial Public Offering- Bahrain Securities and Assets Securities is a financial instrument that is negotiable and holds some type of monetary value. It is equivalent to an ownership position in a corporation through stock. Securities can be categorized into three types: Equities Debts Derivatives Securities are defined in Volume 6,…

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Employment Lawyers in Dubai
06 Oct 2020

Bahrain Employment Law and Rights

Bahrain Employment Law and Employee Rights Law Number 36 of 2012, the promulgation of the labor law in the private sector (the “Law”) repealed and replaced the more archaic Labor Law for the Private Sector, Law Number 23 of 1976. The New Law is a milestone for the private sector…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
01 Sep 2020

Copyright Registration in the Middle East

Copyright Registration in the Middle East  Admittedly, the Middle East has something of a "Wild West" reputation, when it comes to some business behaviors. One of the most protuberant of these is the Middle Eastern perception of copying someone as a form of flattery, rather than as theft. In this…

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Lawyers in Dubai
10 Aug 2020

Securities Finance in Bahrain

Securities Finance in Bahrain What are Securities and Assets? Securities is a financial instrument that is negotiable and holds some type of monetary value. It is equivalent to an ownership position in a corporation through the stock. Securities can be categorized into three types: Equities Debts Derivatives Equities Equity security…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
01 Aug 2020

Competition Law in Bahrain

Competition Law in Bahrain “The heart of our national economy long has been faith in the value of competition” -Standard Oil Co. v. FTC, 340 U.S. 231, 248, 71 S. Ct. 240 (1951) Firms conducting anti-competitive behavior may find their agreements to be unenforceable and risk being fined for particularly…

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