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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
11 Jul 2024

Exploring the Potential of Bahrain for Cryptocurrency Businesses

Exploring the Potential of Bahrain for Cryptocurrency Businesses Bahrain, renowned for its open economy in the Middle East and North Africa, has emerged as a prime location for business, particularly in cryptocurrency. Its strategic location, excellent infrastructure, and transparent business environment create a conducive atmosphere for entrepreneurs. This article delves…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
29 May 2024

Exploring the Top 5 Crypto Market Trends in 2024

Exploring the Top 5 Crypto Market Trends in 2024 In the rapidly evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, staying abreast of emerging trends is paramount for investors, developers, and enthusiasts alike. As we delve into 2024, let's embark on a comprehensive exploration of the top five crypto market trends that are set…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
24 Mar 2024

Crypto Regulations in US

Crypto Regulations in US In recent years, the landscape of cryptocurrency regulations in the United States has been a complex terrain to navigate for businesses operating in the digital asset space. With multiple federal regulators overseeing various aspects of crypto activities and each state having the authority to implement its…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
17 Feb 2024

Crypto Currencies and Legal Frameworks in the United Kingdom

Crypto Currencies and Legal Frameworks in the United Kingdom The world of cryptocurrency has experienced exponential growth over the past decade, revolutionizing traditional financial systems and opening up new avenues for investment and financial innovation. In the United Kingdom (UK), the rise of cryptocurrencies has prompted regulatory bodies to establish…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
07 Jan 2024

The Crypto-Asset Exchange System in Bahrain

The Crypto-Asset Exchange System in Bahrain Bahrain's forward-thinking fintech regulations, coupled with a commitment to fostering young tech talent, have successfully lured some of the globe's most inventive financial entities to the region. Notably, cryptocurrency exchange Binance recently secured its inaugural license as a crypto-asset provider within the Gulf Cooperation…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
13 Nov 2023

UAE’s New Digital Assets Law

UAE’s New Digital Assets Law In the rapidly evolving world of finance and technology, digital assets have emerged as a transformative force, reshaping the way we perceive and interact with value. From cryptocurrencies to non-fungible tokens (NFTs), the realm of digital assets is expansive and diverse, bringing forth a myriad…

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Financial Lawyers in UAE
11 Jun 2022

Blockchain Technology and NFTs in Singapore

Development of Blockchain Technology and NFTs in Singapore “I love this stuff - bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain technology and what the future holds”. Abigail Johnson Blockchain technology lays a foundation for many cryptocurrencies. Singapore is rising as one of the leading blockchain development countries in the world. Since the birth of…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
02 Apr 2022

NFT Regulations in Singapore

NFT Regulations in Singapore Introduction Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are presently one of the most popular technology trends in the world. Non-fungible means that this token cannot be exchanged as it is unique, and every token has a unique code and metadata stored on a digital ledger. The property that…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
02 Feb 2022

Play to Earn and NFT Gaming War

Play to Earn and NFT Gaming War – Key Legal Considerations There has been a significant Collison between the worlds of crypto and video games. The amalgamation of the two is called "play to earn"; it is further a part of the "web3" movement. The collision of the two could…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
02 Feb 2022

NFTs and Intellectual Property

NFTs and Intellectual Property Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) have been extremely popular recently, following the significance garnered with the cryptocurrency community in 2017, with some selling for substantial amounts at auctions. They possess multiple uses, from the ability to enhance innovation as well as generate significant proceeds for both creators and…

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Lawyers in Dubai
05 Jan 2022

Crypto Asset Regulation in the UAE

Crypto Asset Regulation in the UAE - A Guide The sphere of crypto assets is continuously evolving in all spheres in the global area. The terminology is simultaneously advancing with terms such as crypto assets, cryptocurrencies, security tokens, etc. The regulation of these crypto-assets is a matter of frequent discussion…

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Lawyers in Abu Dhabi
05 Dec 2021

DFSA New Regulations on Investment Tokens

DFSA’s new regulations on Investment Tokens In a few decades, technologies have had the most significant impact on the life of people. It's not because of social media, drones & robotics, the Internet of Things, machine learning. Still, the changes are happening due to the underlying technology of digital currencies…

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Criminal Lawyers in Dubai
30 Sep 2021

Economic and Fraud Provisions in Middle East

Economic and Fraud Provisions in the Middle East “There is one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open…

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Lawyers in Dubai
27 Sep 2021

Electronic Contracting Law in E-commerce

Electronic Contracting Law in E-commerce Introduction to Contract Law A contract is a legally binding force between two entities, companies, or parties that link the parties in a contract protected by law. An agreement between the parties may be made orally, in writing, in action, or any of these ways.…

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