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Oman’s New Media Law The Sultanate of Oman has been one step forward in modernizing media development by coming out with a new media law issued under Royal Decree No. 58/2024. Officially, this law became in force on November 11, 2024, and is intended to consolidate and supersede the existing…
Read moreEconomic and Fraud Provisions in the Middle East “There is one and only one social responsibility of business – to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open…
Read moreTelecommunication and Media Law Introduction The media and telecommunication industry is one that is fast evolving worldwide. From an earlier time period where Print and Radio were considered the primary outlet of entertainment and news, which was slowly replaced by television with a variety of channels for the viewer to…
Read moreSoftware Infringement in UAE Software piracy or violation of a software license, is an illegal action that occurs due to unsanctioned use, distribution, exploitation and/or reproduction of copyrighted software. With the technology roar, it is very fundamental that an economy in its full strength and thrive be able to protect…
Read moreFIFA; before and after Electing Court of Arbitration for Sports Introduction Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded in 1904 to supervise international football competitions, with its headquarters in Zurich. FIFA now has 211 national associations as members and is divided into regional confederations: Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, South…
Read moreVirtual Reality and Copyright: Combining New Concepts with the Old Introduction It is a strange thing to look into the world of technology on occasion and genuinely be surprised by the significant leaps of progress that have taken place. In a way, it is almost impossible to consider the future…
Read moreBollywood Deals: Music Meets Dance Who isn’t a fan of Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge? The lens takes us to the romance set in the mountains of Switzerland to a typical wedding household in India with dance, music, drama, and emotion. Bollywood is one of the most prolific centers of film…
Read moreRegulation of Media in the United Arab Emirates I. Introduction Indubitably, the inception of mass media was with newspapers that delivered information and news from the 1690s till present. Having been cultivated in the minds of the people, several other modes have been devised that make an intricate part of…
Read moreCensorship of Films in India I. Introduction Censorship is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as the ‘prohibition or suppression of any part of the news, books, films, etc. that are considered politically unacceptable, obscene, or a threat to security.’ Films are considered an excellent medium of communication with the general…
Read moreحياة ووقت وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية لقد دخلنا في وقت يكثر فيه الناس من الإعلام الاجتماعي والإلكتروني بقدر ما يتنفسون ويخرجون. يعتمد اعتمادنا على هذه المنصات بسرعة كبيرة مثل عدد المنصات المتاحة. وقد شهد هذا النمو السريع للوسائط الإلكترونية العديد من الكرات ، بما في ذلك الشرعية والأخلاقية. جلب النمو في…
Read moreنظام ترخيص السينما الجديد في المملكة العربية السعودية "السينما ليست قطعة من الحياة، قطعة من كعكة" - ألفريد هيتشكوك نظرة عامة: في ديسمبر 2017، أصدرت وزارة الثقافة والإعلام السعودية (MOCI(بيانًا رسميًا ينص على أن السينما التجارية ستصبح قانونية بداية من أوائل عام 2018 (رفع الحظر بعد أكثر من ثلاثة عقود).…
Read moreتأثير الإعلام - مناقشة حول العقود ذات الصلة بصناعة الإعلام والترفيه في هذا المقال ، تناقش زيشا رزفي الاتجاهات المستمرة في قطاع الإعلام والترفيه في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة ، وحالة البيوت الإعلامية للمنطقة الحرة وموجز عن متطلبات الامتثال. " في شهر العسل في عام 1886 ، عندما التقى ه.…
Read moreالسيطرة على وسائل الإعلام قانون في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة إذا كان رئيسإس تي إيه ينظر إلى علامات الإنترنت المفتوحة على أجهزة الكمبيوتر لدينا في الوقت الحالي فإنه يتساءل عما إذا كنا قد قمنا بأي عمل اليوم ، معفيسبوكوبي بي سي نيوزوذا ناشونال وباز فيد وفاينانشال تايمز ومختلف المنشورات الوطنية…
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