Company Incorporation in Kuwait Free Trade Zone Kuwait, also known as the Fruitful Land of the Gulf is considered to be a land of opportunities. The country’s richness lies in the natural resources like oil and gas but also the real wealth of the nation lies in its human capital…
Read moreCOMPANY FORMATION IN RAK MARITIME CITY The hidden gem of UAE, the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) is a mesmeric stretch of golden beaches, terracotta desert, backed up by the wild mountains of Hajar and an ocean of Bedouin Oasis is just out of the shadow of Dubai’s extravagant…
Read moreA Global analysis of franchise agreement “Isolation is not possible. Globalization is inevitable and beneficial.” Introduction Do you wish to establish an attractive business model to distribute goods and services globally? Does your company have a brand image in the market and hopes to expand? Do you have a unique…
Read moreThe Fine (and Hazy) Line between Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion ‘The difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion is the thickness of a prison wall.’ - Denis Healey Keeping in mind the contradiction between the heading of this article and the quotation above, I wish to draw your attention to…
Read moreNEW BANKRUPTCY LAW IN THE UAE Since the time of its promulgation in the year 2016, the Bankruptcy Law has been widely discussed and deliberated on. The enactment of Federal Law Number 9 of 2016 (the New Law) has been critical in light of the volatile oil market across the…
Read morePreventive Principle and Extension of Time Time and again we have discussed the level of dynamicity in the sectors and industries such as construction, maritime, cryptocurrency and the like. Today, we are going to analyze why these areas in specific are comparatively more dynamic than others – mainly because projects…
Read morePharmaceutical Industry in the UAE 1. What are the primary laws and regulations governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates? The primary piece of legislation governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates is Federal Law Number 4 of 1983 concerning the Pharmaceutical Profession and Pharmaceutical Institutions (the Pharmaceutical…
Read morePHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY IN THE UAE What are the main laws and regulations governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates? The primary piece of legislation governing pharmaceutical companies in the United Arab Emirates is Federal Law Number 4 of 1983 concerning the Pharmaceutical Profession and Pharmaceutical Institutions (the Pharmaceutical Law).…
Read moreLiability of Franchisors You cannot bring the Canadian winters to the UAE, but you can enjoy the warm coffee of Tim Hortons in the UAE. UAE has the answer to most of your cravings from back home, whether you are missing the butter chicken or chicken and waffle. This…
Read moreGOOD FOURTUNE- NEC4 “It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” - Charles Darwin Introduction Biological evolution has been “creating” lives on this earth for almost three billion years, constantly adapting everything to an ever-changing environment. It is…
Read moreContradictory Statements In a bundle of truths, a lie will always be found within. Pinocchio told lies, and his nose grew. Unfortunately, liars in the courtroom may only be caught out by the inconsistent statements they make throughout a case. The challenge is for the jury and prosecution to find…
Read moreAviation Law Guide: United Arab Emirates Part 1 - General …
Read moreEmployment Regime in the DIFC “A diploma is a piece of paper that is used to acquire another piece of paper: an employment contract.” Mokokoma Mokhonoana Time and again, our team of employment lawyers in Dubai have discussed the provisions of UAE Federal Law Number 8 of…
Read moreCompany Formation in Abu Dhabi Global Market The impact of globalization and elimination of trade barriers is considered to be an economic merit that consolidated the domestic markets of the world under one roof. However, there also exists an opposing view to this concept. Some financial pundits have argued that…
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