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Enforcement of Foreign Awards in Kuwait Introduction With the world ever moving towards a more globalised structure, clarity and cooperation are more important than ever. The move towards a more integrated world has been occurring for decades, most notably following the end of the Second World War. Some of the…
Read moreChurning: Is it Ethical? What is Churning: Churning takes place when a broker undertakes excessive trading, i.e. buying and selling of securities in the investor’s account for generating commissions that may benefit the broker or the securities agent. The broker has to exercise unwarranted control over the critical decisions about…
Read moreArticle on Anti Bribery & Anti Corruption Law in the United Kingdom “In these times, a great leader must be extremely brave. Their leadership must be steered only by their conscience, not a bribe.” – Suzy Kassem This article sets out brief summaries of the United Kingdom (UK) Anti Bribery…
Read moreDebt Recovery in UAE “If you would know the value of money try to borrow some.”- Benjamin Franklin What is debt? From the ancient times of the barter system, traces of debts can be found. This was when people exchanged goods and serviced for other goods and services. But now…
Read morePersonal Injury Lawsuit in the UAE Ubi jus ibi remedium –legal maxim meaning, "where there is a right, there is a remedy", is the basis of the principle of personal injury liability or so famously called tortious liability. One among the many accepted and acclaimed definitions of "tort", as postulated…
Read morePERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS UNDER DUBAI LAWS What is a Personal Injury? Personal Injury, a broad term, involves an injury that is sustained physically, emotionally or mentally by a person as a result of the negligent or intentional actions of another person, including a business entity. The victim is entitled to…
Read moreDeportability in the UAE and related aspects In the event that you've at any point heard that somebody was deported — ousted from a nation — at that point you can likely guess that deportation is the act of that incident. Deportation can include an occupant of a nation who…
Read more‘Doli Incapax’ – An International Perspective on Juvenile Justice 'No civilised society regards children as accountable for their actions to the same extent as adults ... The wisdom of protecting young children against the full rigour of the law is beyond argument. The difficulty lies in determining when and under…
Read moreWrongful Conviction When someone is wrongly convicted, that means that a person has been punished and sentenced for a crime that he has not committed. In devastating cases like these, the faith of the masses on the judicial system is lost when an innocent is convicted and made to…
Read moreالمنظور الدولي لمناهضة التمييز والقوانين المتعلقة بمناهضة التمييز في الإمارات "لدي حلم بأن أطفالي الأربعة الصغار سيعيشون ذات يوم في أمة لن يحكم عليهم فيها بلون بشرتهم بل بمحتوى شخصياتهم." - مارتن لوثر كينج جونيور لقد جاء الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان إلى حيز الوجود قبل 70 عامًا ، لكن النص…
Read moreتشريعات مكافحة الرشوة في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في أعقاب الركود الاقتصادي في عام 2008، اتخذت دولة الإمارات إجراءات استباقية لتوجيه الاتهام إلى الأفراد الذين انتهكوا تشريع مكافحة الرشوة الصادر عن قانون العقوبات الاتحادي. على الرغم من ظهور العديد من الحالات البارزة، إلا أن اللوائح، التي سُنَّت في الثمانينيات، لا…
Read moreوجهة نظر عالمية بشأن جريمة العدوان تُرتكب جريمة العدوان عندما يتسبب زعيم سياسي أو عسكري لدولة ما في استخدام الدولة المعنية للقوة بصورة غير قانونية ضد دولة أخرى, شريطة أن تكون القوة المستخدمة تشكل انتهاكًا لميثاق الأمم المتحدة من حيث طابعها وخطورتها وحجمها. تشكل جريمة العدوان إحدى الجرائم الأربع التي…
Read moreProspective Amendments to Singapore’s Penal Code In July 2016, Singapore established a Penal Code review committee intended to perform a comprehensive assessment of the legal provisions currently protecting marginalized communities and members of the adolescent demographic. As of September 2018, the Committee has requested heightened legislative care for topics encircling…
Read moreرؤية عالمية لجهود مكافحة الإرهاب مع ما يقرب من 41 ٪ من جميع الهجمات الإرهابية التي أسفرت عن سقوط ضحايا ، وزيادة هائلة في الحوادث المستهدفة العامة ، استثمرت الهيئات الحاكمة التي تمثل كل من المصالح المحلية والدولية على حد سواء موارد لا حصر لها لفهم أفضل لسبب حدوث الإرهاب…
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